Sang Hyun Lee
Past Visiting Fellow
Dr Sang Hyun Lee is a senior research fellow at the Sejong Institute in the Republic of Korea. He also serves as President of the Korea Nuclear Policy Society (KNPS). He received his B.A. and M.A. from Seoul National University and Ph.D. from the Department of Political Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1999. Dr Lee was a Visiting Fellow at ISDP February-March 2019.
He was a research fellow at the Korean Institute for International Studies (1987-88), the Korea Institute for Defense Analysis (1988-90), and policy advisor for Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of National Unification, and Ministry of National Defense. He has served as Director-General for Policy Planning, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) from May 2011 to April 2013.
His main research interests include international politics and security, Korea-U.S. relations, inter-Korean relations, nonproliferation, and East Asian security issues. His recent publications include: Trump Administration and ROK-US Relations (2017, co-authored), North Korea Under Kim Jong-un: Evaluating Past Five Years (2017, co-authored), Transformation of Northeast Asian Regional Order and South Korea’s Response (2017, co-authored), South Korea’s Next Administration: Its Foreign and Security Policy Agenda (2017, co-authored), South Korea’s National Security Strategy 2030 (2016, co-authored), “THAAD Deployment in Korea” (2016), South Korea’s Middle Power Diplomacy (2015, co-authored), and “U.S. Strategic Rebalancing Policy: Background, Structure, and Prospect” (2014).
Publications by Sang Hyun Lee
Denuclearizing North Korea: Challenges and Opportunities after Hanoi
Sang Hyun Lee dissects the non-deal outcome between the U.S. and North Korea at the Hanoi Summit and what the future prospects for diplomacy are. Lee argues that, despite significant […]
How to Score the U.S.-DPRK Hanoi Summit
Summary: U.S. President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un will soon meet for the 2nd U.S.-DPRK summit in Hanoi. How should we score the outcome of this historic meeting? The bottom-line […]
Economic Cooperation Can’t Lead to Denuclearization
Summary: A long-awaited second Trump-Kim summit will be held in Hanoi soon. Despite the high expectations, experts are worrying about the possibility that the summit will end in a ‘small deal’ […]