Tove Jalmerud
Former Project Coordinator
Ms. Tove Jalmerud was a Project Coordinator at the Institute for Security and Development Policy’s Stockholm Korea Center. She holds a Bachelor of Arts with double majors in Political Science and Chinese from Uppsala University, and is currently enrolled in its Political Science Master’s program, focusing on international politics. Ms. Jalmerud’s interests include East Asian affairs, gender, environmental issues and security.
Publications by Tove Jalmerud
Exploring Work-Life Balance Through a Gender Lens: Experiences from South Korea and the Nordics
Balancing professional and personal opportunities and responsibilities is essential for improving well-being and productivity, prompting many governments and businesses to introduce policies supporting this goal. However, many people still struggle […]
China’s Approach to the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda: An Interview with YEONJU JUNG
In the current landscape of global politics, China’s rise and its foreign policy are frequent topics of discussion. Simultaneously, there’s a growing interest in studying gender and women’s issues within […]
Sino-Russian Relations, From Where – To Where
Since 1949, relations between the Soviet Union/Russia and China have been oscillating between formal military alliances and military border clashes. In the early phases, the cooperation was beneficial for both […]
‘To increase the chances that peace will last, you need to have women involved’: An Interview with LENA SUNDH
With United Nations (UN) Peacekeeping marking its 75th anniversary in 2023, ISDP’s Clara Stäbler and Tove Jalmerud, interns of the Asia Program and the Stockholm China Center, sat down with […]