Wan-Ping Lin
Associated Research Fellow
Wan-Ping Lin is a Postdoctoral Scholar at the Center for Political Thought, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. She received her PhD in political science at National Taiwan University (NTU). She taught Modern Chinese Diplomatic History at Soochow University and Critical Approaches to World Politics: An Introduction at NTU. Before joining Academia Sinica, she was a visiting doctoral researcher in the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs at Leiden University. Her research interests include Sinophone as well as Chinese International Relations (IR) theories, Chinese international thoughts, and Confucian/Daoist political thoughts in re-imagining post-Westphalian world politics, particularly how do these theoretical efforts contribute to the empirical research and transform the practice of IR broadly speaking. Her PhD dissertation,Sinicization as method: Qin Yaqing’s intellectual journey from the Chinese school of International Relations to a Relational Theory of World Politics, was published as a monograph in 2023. Her peer-reviewed article, Indefinite healing: China’s ‘One Country, Two Systems’ formula over Hong Kong from a Daoist–Zhongyi perspective, was published in Third World Quarterly (TWQ) and will be in the TWQ special issue of political healing in East Asian international relations (forthcoming in 2024).Currently, she is working on several articles relating to the worlding of Confucian and Daoist IR theories and their political, ethical, theoretical, and methodological relevance and significance to the seeing, doing, and being in IR.