China’s Approach to the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda: An Interview with YEONJU JUNG

Clara Stäbler and Tove Jalmerud
In the current landscape of global politics, China’s rise and its foreign policy are frequent topics of discussion. Simultaneously, there’s a growing interest in studying gender and women’s issues within the Chinese context. Surprisingly, the intersections of these two areas have been largely overlooked. To explore this knowledge gap, Clara Stäbler and Tove Jalmerud, interns of the Asia Program and the Stockholm China Center at ISDP, sat down with Yeonju Jung, a PhD scholar researching this often overlooked juncture in international politics. They discuss various aspects of China’s approach to the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) agenda in the international arena.
Yeonju Jung is a PhD Candidate in International Relations at Stockholm University and an Associate Fellow in the Asia Program, at the Swedish Institute of Foreign Affairs, mainly researching gender in security and development with a focus on East Asia. Her PhD examines China’s engagements in conflict-affected countries and its approach to peacebuilding from a gender perspective. Jung has previously worked for the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), and she holds a master’s degree in Social Anthropology of Development from SOAS, University of London.
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