A Just Transition for Climate Change Adaptation: Towards Just Resilience and Security in a Globalising World

Frida Lager, Kevin Adams, Adis Dzebo, Mats Eriksson, Richard Klein and Martina Klimes
Justice has long been a central element of the international community’s approach to climate change, including with regard to financial support for adaptation in developing countries. Yet, even as it has become increasingly clear that climate risks – and adaptation measures – often extend across national borders, a new challenge has emerged: how to ensure globally just resilience.
This policy brief aims to expand our collective view of justice in adaptation by considering the globally interconnected nature of our economies and societies.
Building on the literature on just transitions for climate change mitigation, it presents a novel framework for a just transition for adaptation, with the objective of achieving globally just resilience. The full brief provides two case studies demonstrating the utility of the framework for analysing and advancing globally just resilience: (1) Agricultural trade and just transitions in the Brazilian coffee supply chain and (2) Just transition for adaptation in the Blue Nile Basin.
The full publication is available on Adaption Without Borders’ website.