The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Going nowhere: Thailand’s coup, one year on
Today marks one year since the Thai junta came to power in a coup d’état.The move was ostensibly made to save the country from deadly street violence that had crippled […]
Politics, Religion and ISIS in Malaysia
Ahead of the 26th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit, held in Malaysia in April 2015, authorities in the country seized explosives and arrested 12 men who were allegedly […]
A Tale of Two Presidential Aspirants: Hillary Clinton and Aung San Suu Kyi
Hillary Clinton’s presidential tilt is now official. It comes as little surprise for most in the US but it is sure to have some effect in Myanmar, where Clinton, as […]
Vietnam-ASEAN Relations: A Retrospective
In 2015 Vietnam celebrates two major anniversaries. First, it is 40 years since war ended in Vietnam with the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975, which paved the way […]
Beijing, Hanoi should look beyond disputes
China and Vietnam observe the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations this year. While the occasion provides a special opportunity for deepening bilateral relations, the two countries have […]
Conflicting Views on Global Governance between China and the U.S.
The new National Security Strategy (NSS) of the United States – which was published in February 2015 – not only provides the most authoritative account of the country’s strategic thinking, […]
How the Kurds’ Power Play Backfired in Turkey
Imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan’s recent calls for the Kurdish militants to end the armed struggle inside Turkey seemed designed to show that they were on the brink of a […]
Kazakhstan’s Snap election
Kazakhstan’s decision to hold early presidential elections in April, a year ahead of time, comes at a time of turmoil for the country. Generally considered a success story of the […]
სამართლის პოლიტიზაცია საქართველოში: მზარდი საფრთხე? – The Politicization of Justice in Georgia: A Growing Threat?
ბოლო წლებში ყოფილი მთავრობის წევრების დაპატიმრებისა და გასამართლების კამპანია ბადებს შეკითხვას, გადაიქცევა თუ არა თანდათან საქართველოს სასამართლო სისტემა პოლიტიკური ანგარიშსწორებისა და ოპოზიციის დასუსტების ინსტრუმენტად. 2012 წელს ხელისუფლების შეცვლის მომენტიდან, პროკურატურა […]
China and Myanmar: When neighbours become good friends
China wants to keep its good relationship with Myanmar. But, because the major powers are also taking interest, China must work to make a strong relationship even stronger.