The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
The Myanmar-EU Roadmap: New Possibilities in a Changing Myanmar
More and more individuals in Europe and in Myanmar are voicing their frustration regarding the unproductive bilateral deadlock, many of whom are also proactively seeking solutions to the problematic relationship. […]
The Israilov Case and Human Rights in Chechnya
On November 26, 2010, the first part of the trial concerning the murder of a Chechen refugee, Umar Israilov, ended in Vienna. Israilov was killed in January 2009 in what […]
From Sanctions to Engagement: The Need for a New Policy Towards Myanmar
After close to two decades of sanctions against Myanmar, it is time to acknowledge that this strategy has not done much to promote positive development in Myanmar. Instead, it has […]
Seeking To Redesign Turkey, The AKP Resurrects State Tutelage
The ruling Justice and development party (AKP) seems to have recommitted itself to keeping Turkey a mono-culturally Turkish state. Recent appearances are nonetheless deceptive. The AKP is not ideologically beholden […]
Azerbaijan Since Independence
Azerbaijan Since Independence offers a comprehensive introduction to modern Azerbaijan, a post-Soviet republic located on the western shore of the Caspian Sea. This small country has outsized importance due to […]
After Military Tutelage: What Will The Emerging Turkey Look Like?
After having overturned the regime of military-bureaucratic tutelage, Turkey is discovering that democracy means struggling with differences and conflict, and that democracy in turn cannot be sustained without an accompanying […]