The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Japan’s Indo-Pacific Strategy: The Link with Iran
Japan’s “Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy” is linked to the Persian Gulf region. Energy resources, concerns about China’s influence on the region’s energy and transit corridors, and the suitable consumption […]
China’s Pursuit of Food and Energy Security in the Indian Ocean: Consequences for India’s Development
China and India are still predominantly rising powers. They are strongly inclined to achieve food and energy security, two priority areas for any nation with a vast population. The possibility […]
Washington Declaration: Beyond Korea, What it Means for India?
In April 2023, South Korea and the United States released the Washington Declaration to reiterate and upgrade their treaty alliance. In outlining a joint nuclear deterrence strategy, the Declaration reaffirmed […]
A Possible Strategy for the Defense of Taiwan
This issue brief examines the possibility of a People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) offensive to capture the island of Taiwan from a military perspective. It analyzes the military geography, the threat […]
Understanding EU Relations with China and Taiwan in the Indo-Pacific: An Interview with Dr. Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy
In the context of growing tension in Cross-Strait relations and rethinking European strategies in the Indo-Pacific post-COVID-19, ISDP intern Foster Cunliffe sat down with Dr. Zsusza Ferenczy to shed light […]
Drivers of U.S.-China Strategic Competition: Understanding the Chinese Perspective
The relationship between the United States and China is one of the world’s most important and mutually beneficial bilateral relationships. Nonetheless, it is also complex and contentious, with both countries […]
Awaiting a Pivotal Partnership? The Case of India and South Korea
The shift toward showcasing South Korea as a proactive stakeholder in the global arena—beyond its foreign policy limitations that have thus far centered on Northeast Asian security—has unlocked the potential […]
European Economic Self-defense in the Face of Authoritarianism
Economic coercion by states has always been present in one form or the other, but the challenges have escalated to an unprecedented level in today’s globalized economy. Most notably, as […]
Quad Plus EU: A Viable Option for the Times?
Today, the primary Indo-Pacific contest is not just about the China-US hegemony. It also involves a range of so-called “middle powers” – including Australia, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, […]
Climate Security in the Indo-Pacific: Priorities and Challenges
The climate vulnerabilities of the Indo-Pacific region have grown immensely with grave implications for regional, national, human, and ecological security. Climate action has been prioritized by most countries, including by […]