The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Kishida’s India Visit: Samaritan of the Eleventh Hour?
First of a two part series on Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s travel to India and Cambodia in March 2022. This article is part of the [Asia’s Next Page] series on JAPAN Forward. Find […]
How Is India’s Silent Diplomacy Navigating the Russia-Ukraine War?
Introduction: The ongoing war in Ukraine has diverted the world’s attention to Eurasian politics, for the moment eclipsing the ever-volatile Indo-Pacific. The situation is extremely vulnerable in Ukraine, with essential […]
What Will Be the India-ROK Trajectory Post 2022 Presidential Elections?
As Moon Jae-in moves towards the end of his presidency, his legacy in the foreign policy domain consists most prominently of his administration’s New Southern Policy (NSP) Plus, which comes […]
North Korea and the Role of Science Diplomacy
This study analyzes education, science, and technology initiatives as a potential bridge toward peace on the Korean Peninsula by asking what the potential impact of education and science in diplomacy […]
Disaster Risk Reduction: A Sustainable Path for Inter-Korea Cooperation
Introduction: Even in its current state of pandemic-induced isolation, North Korea continues to engage the international community on climate adaption and disaster risk reduction. South Korean President Moon Jae-in’s renewed […]
North Korea’s Overture on Nuclear Talks and Inter-Korean Relations for 2022: ‘Strategic Patience’
North Korea held the 4th Plenary Meeting of the Workers’ Party’s 8th Central Committee from December 27 to 31. According to the North’s state media, Kim Jong Un mostly focused […]
A Way Out from the US-DPRK Deadlock: Toward North Korea’s Denuclearization
Abstract: This Issue Brief focuses on three points essential to the resumption of denuclearization talks. First, this paper will analyze North Korea’s unique status as a de facto nuclear weapon […]
North Korea’s Signaling on Nuclear Weapons and Negotiations
Introduction: The US-DPRK Summit in Hanoi in 2019 ended without a deal due to disagreements over the right mix of sanctions relief for the nuclear concession Kim Jong Un offered. […]
China and the Nordics: Tracing Trends in Relations
Summary Diplomatic relations between Modern China and the Nordic States grew from different points of departure yet followed roughly congruent paths, adhering closely to Beijing’s domestic and regional priorities. Trade […]