The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Seeking Pivotal Partnership: India and Korea
In many ways, South Korea’s release of its Indo-Pacific strategy in December 2022 not only concretized its “strategic clarity” but also revitalized the long-dormant ambition of a globally relevant Republic […]
Promise And Peril In The Caucasus
America’s national security bureaucracy separates the Caucasus and the Middle East into different bureaus, with Central Asia in yet another office. This is part of the reason the U.S. has […]
Turkey’s Problem Isn’t Sweden. It’s the United States.
The issue isn’t what Sweden says or does but what the United States does or fails to do on the ground in Syria that matters for Turkey’s national security interests. […]
Revitalizing INSTC: Analyzing Geopolitical Realignments and the China Factor
In recent years, the rise of Asia as the geoeconomic and geostrategic fulcrum has not only realigned global geopolitics but also reasserted the need for regional connectivity. For example, the […]
North Korea Needs More International Partners to Weather Its Food Crisis
North Korea has long been one of the most isolated countries in the world, but its isolation became even more extreme amid the pandemic. The country has cut off its […]
Taiwan in Tokyo’s 2022 Defense White Paper: Reconfiguring Security Imperatives?
This article was originally posted on the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies (JFSS) website, you can find the article here. A few days prior to the highly controversial visit […]
Post-Abe India-Japan Ties: Does Kishida Have What it Takes?
Introduction: Two Japan-India summit meetings between prime ministers Kishida Fumio and Narendra Modi in 2022 underscore their accelerating Special Strategic and Global Partnership. This partnership is based on the shared values of freedom, […]
Kishida in Cambodia: Seeking Regional Consensus Amid the China Threat?
Last of a two part series on Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s travel to India and Cambodia in March 2022. This article is part of the [Asia’s Next Page] series on JAPAN […]
Water – A Shared Resource Requiring Inclusive Water Diplomacy
Changing climate and extreme weather events have fundamental impacts on all aspects of our lives and our planet, including the management of the world’s shared water resources. In order to […]
Water Diplomacy and Sustainable Management in Mesopotamia
Mesopotamia, the land between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, the cradle of our civilization, home to the first records of legal provisions about water resource management included in the Code […]