The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Waves of Fake News in Transboundary Waters: The Need for Communication Resilience
Systematically generated disinformation campaigns or fake news are forms of information counterintelligence operations that have become a defining feature of today’s informational landscape. Commonly recognized examples include the targeting of election and […]
The Crackdown on HDP: Sustaining Authoritarianism with Ethnic Polarization
By the end of November 2019, 24 out of 69 mayors in Kurdish cities in Turkey had been dismissed and 19 had been arrested. The Turkish regime exploits nationalism to […]
Svensk socialdemokrati bör ge turkiska oppositionen stöd
Nu krävs en idépolitisk mobilisering för att bemöta och på sikt besegra den turkiska högernationalism som blivit ett gränsöverskridande hot. De socialdemokratiska partierna CHP och HDP kan fungera som en […]
Turkey’s Russia Affair
Turkey’s deepening partnership with Russia needs to be situated within a larger context. Turkey is moving closer toward Russia at a time when the West is beset by considerable turmoil. […]
Book Review: Le naufrage des civilisations
Brasiliens president Jair Bolsonaro hävdar att skövlingen av Amazonas är Brasiliens interna angelägenhet. I regionalvalen i Tyskland nyligen skördade det främlingsfientliga Alternativ för Tyskland, AfD, stora framgångar. I Storbritannien har […]
US and China Diverge on Policy and Practice of Global Governance
It has become a popular perception that under the Trump administration’s American First policy, China-US relations is defined by competition or even rivalry rather than co-operation. Bilateral competition has gone […]
The Rise and Rise of the Turkish Right
Since March 31, the defeat in Turkey of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Islamic conservative Justice and Development Party, the A.K.P., and its ultranationalist electoral partner Nationalist Movement Party, the M.H.P., in municipal […]
Xi’s Visit to the Philippines: Implications for China-Philippine Relations
After participation in the 26th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Papua New Guinea and a state visit to Brunei, President Xi Jinping arrived in Manila on 20 November 2018 for a two day […]
Mahathir: Uighurs “have done nothing wrong”
Horror stories have trickled out of China’s Xinjiang province for years. Now research points to a flood of human suffering and disturbing human rights abuses. Yet with threats of China’s economic retribution, […]
“Ett nytt kallt krig pågår – minst lika farligt”
För många läsare har säkert minnet av det kalla kriget bleknat medan andra är för unga för att ha upplevt det. Den existentiella frågan om kärnvapenkrig har fallit i skymundan och […]