The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Turkey’s Russia Affair
Turkey’s deepening partnership with Russia needs to be situated within a larger context. Turkey is moving closer toward Russia at a time when the West is beset by considerable turmoil. […]
Book Review: Le naufrage des civilisations
Brasiliens president Jair Bolsonaro hävdar att skövlingen av Amazonas är Brasiliens interna angelägenhet. I regionalvalen i Tyskland nyligen skördade det främlingsfientliga Alternativ för Tyskland, AfD, stora framgångar. I Storbritannien har […]
The Rise and Rise of the Turkish Right
Since March 31, the defeat in Turkey of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Islamic conservative Justice and Development Party, the A.K.P., and its ultranationalist electoral partner Nationalist Movement Party, the M.H.P., in municipal […]
Ett nytt Centralasien växer fram
Under senare år har Centralasien inte orsakat mycket entusiasm i Sverige eller Europa. Regionen är mest känd som en hemvist för auktoritärt styre där korruptionen flödar, och den mediebevakning som förekommit […]
Modernization and Regional Cooperation in Central Asia: A New Spring?
Executive Summary Until recently, regional cooperation among Central Asian states has left much to be desired. While a number of initiatives have been launched over the past quarter-century, there is […]
Uzbekistan’s New Face
Uzbekistan, long considered the center of Central Asia, has the region’s largest population and borders every other regional state including Afghanistan. For the first 25 years of its independence, it […]
The Myth of Erdogan’s Power
Far from a sultan, the Turkish president is hemmed in by the nationalists who back him—and they don’t want him to get too close to Russia. This month, Turkish President […]
“Det centrala glöms bort i hatet mot Trump och Putin”
Med helt nya kärnvapensystem, brutna nedrustningsavtal och diplomatiska förbindelser och två pågående proxykrig är säkerhetsläget mellan USA och Ryssland sämre än på mycket länge. Vi är nere på kallaste krigsnivå. Men […]
Turkey’s election reveals the durability of nationalism
Suat Kiniklioglu was formerly deputy chairman of external affairs for Turkey’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) before parting ways in 2012. He is a senior fellow at the Institute for Security & […]
A Road to Understanding in Syria?
Getting to better relations with Turkey will not be easy. But it’s far from impossible. In early June, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Çavuşoğlu […]