The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Xi Jinping Thought: Xi’s Struggle Against Political Decline
Abstract One of the latest extensions of Xi Jinping’s influence on Chinese society is the incorporation of ‘Xi Thought’ into elementary and middle school curriculums. Like his predecessors, Xi is […]
China and the Nordics: Tracing Trends in Relations
Summary Diplomatic relations between Modern China and the Nordic States grew from different points of departure yet followed roughly congruent paths, adhering closely to Beijing’s domestic and regional priorities. Trade […]
AUKUS: Resetting European Thinking on Indo-Pacific?
This special publication brings together a number of experts from Europe and Asia to discuss the implications of AUKUS for Europe. The AUKUS is a critical geopolitical development. It has […]
Europe, post the AUKUS
Introduction Regardless of its challenges to transatlantic ties, AUKUS has opened a window of opportunity for Indo-Pacific countries India and Japan, and the EU, to deepen their partnerships. More than […]
What Is Kishidanomics? Can Japan achieve the new prime minister’s plan for income doubling and economic security?
Introduction On October 14, new Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio dissolved the House of Representatives to make way for a general election to be held on October 31. Heading into […]
Tomhetens filosofi
Tomheten definieras på olika sätt. Det kan vara den verklighet, eller icke-verklighet, som existerar, eller inte existerar, bortom det individuella jaget. Det kan vara ett annat sätt att beskriva Gud […]
Tokyo and Taliban 2.0: Gauging Japan’s Political Stake in Kabul
Tokyo’s perspective on the Taliban is a critical chapter in Japan’s evolving approach to upholding ‘peace’ and ‘security’ in its post-war foreign policy thinking. Despite not being an immediate or […]
Japan’s Multi-Domain Defense Force: The Space, Cyber, and Electromagnetic Domains
This article sheds light on Japan’s “Multi-Domain Defense Force” formulated in the National Defense Program Guidelines (NDPG) as well as the Medium Term Defense Program (MTDP) (FY2019-FY2023) approved by the […]
India-Nordic Engagement: A Veritable Strategic Partnership in Reimagine and Configure
At a time when strategic partnerships are conceived, either at the altar of existential security-driven geopolitics, the cannibalized inevitability of transactional economics, or for that matter, transcendental narratives engendering notions […]
Webinar Report: Sweden-Japan Climate Cooperation
On June 24, 2021, the Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP) organized the Sweden-Japan Climate Cooperation webinar. The aim of the webinar was to introduce comprehensive overviews of Sweden […]