The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
中国—北欧关系: 机遇与前景
本《报告》研究了中华人民共和国与北 欧国家(即丹麦、芬兰、冰岛、挪威、瑞典五国)之间的关系,并特别关注了 北欧以联合的地区合作为基础与中国开展合作的可能性。瑞典安全和 发展政策研究所评估了上述关系的弱点 及所面临的挑战,并为中国与北欧国家 如何在双边互惠交往中实现关系拓展, 并降低危及核心理念及利益的风险指明 了一系列机遇。
The Role of Science Diplomacy: A Historical Development and International Legal Framework of Arctic Research Stations Under Conditions of Climate Change, Post-Cold War Geopolitics and Globalization/Power Transition
The Arctic is undergoing transformation, where three important drivers are climate change, post-Cold War geopolitics and globalization/power transition from the rise of China. This transformation defines the nexus between science […]
The Belt and Road Initiative 一 带 一 路
The Belt and Road Initiative is an incredibly ambitious plan that may potentially re-shape global trade. The ‘Belt’ aims to connect Chinese trade and production to Europe through Central Asia. […]
Myanmar’s Evolving Relations: The NLD in Government
The National League for Democracy’s (NLD) landslide victory in Myanmar’s November 2015 general election prompted celebrations around the world. Following a nervous, but successful, transition to ensure the transfer of […]
Japan`s Policy towards the South China Sea – Applying “Proactive Peace Diplomacy”?
Japan’s policy towards the South China Sea (SCS) is likely to have a considerable bearing on the future shape of the regional order in this region although ultimately US-China competition […]
Pyongyang’s ‘weapons first, negotiations later’ strategy
On 9 September 2016, the US Geological Survey detected a 5.3-magnitude earthquake in the area of North Korea’s Punggye-ri underground test site. Four hours later, North Korean state television announced that […]
Konfucius samtal
Konfucius samtal betraktas som det mest inflytelserika verket i Kinas historia. Trots att Konfucius levde för 2 500 år sedan är han än idag flitigt citerad och hans lära både […]
Speech by Niklas Swanström at the Sixth Xiangshan Forum on Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific
Paper presented by Dr. Niklas Swanström during the 6th Xiangshan Forum on Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific. Dr. Swanström participated in a panel discussion entitled Code of Conduct in Cyberspace, during which he held […]
Rising Energy Demand in Northeast Asia
Under the OECD’s Environmental Outlook Baseline, global demand for energy is projected to increase by 80 percent between 2010 and 2050. Northeast Asia – dominated by China, Japan, and South […]
9th ISDP-AMS Joint Conference Report, “Cyber Security: Identifying Threats and Charting a Common Defense”
The 9th ISDP-AMS Joint Conference was held in Stockholm on May 24, 2016. The theme for this year’s conference was Cybersecurity: Identifying Threats and Charting a Common Defense. We are […]