The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Mental Illness: Myanmar’s Hidden Epidemic
Myanmar urgently needs to improve mental health care and achieving that objective will require a change of attitude by policy makers and the wider community. A report released last year […]
Changing Global Orders and Europe’s Role
Abstract The United States and Europe have been perceived as deteriorating international actors, particularly when contrasted to China which has been seen as a new force under its all-powerful ruler; […]
Uzbekistan’s New Face
Uzbekistan, long considered the center of Central Asia, has the region’s largest population and borders every other regional state including Afghanistan. For the first 25 years of its independence, it […]
Mahathir: Uighurs “have done nothing wrong”
Horror stories have trickled out of China’s Xinjiang province for years. Now research points to a flood of human suffering and disturbing human rights abuses. Yet with threats of China’s economic retribution, […]
“Ett nytt kallt krig pågår – minst lika farligt”
För många läsare har säkert minnet av det kalla kriget bleknat medan andra är för unga för att ha upplevt det. Den existentiella frågan om kärnvapenkrig har fallit i skymundan och […]
Sustaining Dialogue on the Korean Peninsula
Caroline Kearney gives her views on the diplomatic process on the Korean Peninsula and how to sustain the momentum of peacebuilding. Tracing the origins and developments of the peace process, […]
Conference Report: What’s in It for Sweden? Toward a Shared Agenda for Swedish East Asia Research
On April 26-27, 2018, the Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP) organized the second installment of the conference series East Asia Research in Sweden. The first conference in the […]
The Myth of Erdogan’s Power
Far from a sultan, the Turkish president is hemmed in by the nationalists who back him—and they don’t want him to get too close to Russia. This month, Turkish President […]
“Det centrala glöms bort i hatet mot Trump och Putin”
Med helt nya kärnvapensystem, brutna nedrustningsavtal och diplomatiska förbindelser och två pågående proxykrig är säkerhetsläget mellan USA och Ryssland sämre än på mycket länge. Vi är nere på kallaste krigsnivå. Men […]
Can Turkey Change?
Though not impossible, change remains an unlikely prospect in Turkey. Seen in a larger historical perspective, the switch from parliamentarianism to presidential rule represents less of a break with continuity […]