The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
EU och det nya Turkiet
Den 16 april 2017 kommer att gå till historien som ett symboliskt datum för Turkiet och dess relation till Europa. Med ja-sidans seger i folkomröstningen stod det klart att landet […]
Out of the “Slipstream” of Power? Australian Grand Strategy and the South China Sea Disputes
The following Asia Paper examines the continuing debate in Canberra as to how to address changing regional dynamics in Australian foreign policy. It argues that the South China Sea (SCS) […]
Turkey’s Constitutional Referendum and Erdogan’s Faded Democratic Credentials
The Turkish constitutional referendum of April 16, 2017 dealt yet another blow to President Tayyip Erdoğan’s already faltering claim to democratic legitimacy. Not only did both the referendum and campaign […]
S borde värna Sveriges akademiska frihet
Det är bra att högskoleministern och en socialdemokratisk Europaparlamentariker kritiserar angreppen på den akademiska friheten i Ungern. Men aktuella jämförelser mellan europeiska länder där Sverige också hamnar i bottenskiktet visar […]
Turkey & Qatar’s Support for Extremist Groups
For a long time both Qatar and Turkey have been U.S. partners in name, but provide material support to extremist groups at the same time.
Turkey’s Authoritarian Legacy
It’s tempting to blame the country’s recent slide into repression on President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s thirst for personal power. But did the ruling Islamist party ever really abandon the country’s long […]
Obligations & Roles of the U.S. and Neighboring Countries for the Reunification of Korea
Current developments on the Korean Peninsula necessitates that more steps need to be taken towards reunification. With this aim in mind, Hwang, outlines the responsibility and role that both the […]
Assessing China’s Leadership in the North Korea Crisis
The ongoing nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula is testing Beijing’s ability to assume Northeast Asian leadership in the interest of its own security and regional stability. China’s actions over […]
The Self-defense Capability of the DPRK and Peace on the Korean Peninsula
On the Korean Peninsula, tightening sanctions and joint-military exercises have been matched by a succession of weapons tests. Indeed, 2017 has seen hostilities on the Korean Peninsula rise to an […]
Turkey and Russia: Aggrieved Nativism par excellence
Turkey and Russia have recently both turned to an aggrieved nativism that delegitimizes democratic opposition. This nativism is nationalist, anti-elitist, protectionist, revanchist/irredentist, xenophobic and “macho”. Despite three decades of post-Cold […]