The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
The Raucous Caucasus
The United States must restore its leverage and credibility in the restive region caught between Russia, Turkey, and Iran. The news from the Caucasus that reaches the United States these […]
EU:s politiska elit har blundat för folklig oro
Den 29 mars begärde Storbritannien formellt utträde ur EU. Förhandlingarna kan bli svåra och långdragna, men om vi nu har hämtat oss efter brexit-chocken kan vi se fram emot presidentvalet […]
Terrordådet: Vi måste sluta brottas med skuggor
Sverige har öppnat dörren för terrorister genom en felaktig politik mot radikal islamism. Den måste ändras, skriver freds- och konfliktforskaren Svante Cornell. Sedan lördagskvällen står det klart att den 39-åring […]
Terror in Stockholm
Last week’s terror attack in Sweden should raise important questions about how the West defines its enemies. Last Friday, an ISIS supporter rammed a truck into a department store in […]
Gendered Globalization: Sino-Nordic Policy Solutions
Both the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Nordic countries (Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, Norway and Finland) view gender equality as a social justice issue and are politically committed towards achieving […]
“Weaponizing” the Diaspora: Erdoğan and the Turks in Europe
Scandals have emerged all over Europe over the alleged illicit intelligence activity of organizations loyal to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. But the issue is considerably larger. The Turkish government […]
Turkspionaget pågår över hela Europa
Ekots rapportering om spioneri och direkta hot mot turkiska regimkritiker i Sverige är graverande men inte förvånande. I både Tyskland och Nederländerna har liknande härvor börjat uppdagas, och utgör föremål […]
ISDP Annual Report 2016
Letter from the Directors 2016 has been both a turbulent and eventful year. Events such as the failed Turkey coup, North Korea’s nuclear tests, the inauguration of Myanmar’s new government, […]
Collective Bargaining: New Hope for China’s Workers?
In China, rising economic and social inequality mean that labour tensions are high. President Xi Jinping has responded with a new idea where the All China Federation of Trade Unions […]
Ticking Clocks: Erdoğan and Turkey’s Constitutional Referendum
Whatever the outcome, the Turkish constitutional referendum on April 16 will not resolve the country’s chronic domestic instability, heal its deepening social divisions, revive its flagging economy or end its […]