The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Hostage to History: Japan-South Korea Relations
With the two leaders of Japan and South Korea having failed to hold an official meeting between them since coming to office, historical issues remain a thorn in the the […]
Azerbaijan’s Security and U.S. Interests: Time for a Reassessment
Azerbaijan’s importance to U.S. interests has waned in recent years despite the fact that the country, including the wider Caucasus region, has risen in importance while the challenges have multiplied. […]
A Tale of Two Koreas: Breaking the Vicious Circle
This paper traces the history of inter-Korean relations, highlighting that the failure of the ROK and DPRK to recognize each other remains a key obstacle to normalizing relations and resolving […]
EU-Myanmar Relations: Toward Greater Engagement
EU-Myanmar relations have come a long way in recent years since sanctions were first imposed on Myanmar in 1990. This paper accordingly provides an overview of the improvement in bilateral […]
Careful Stewardship: Managing Myanmar’s Bumpy Road Ahead
Myanmar’s transition process has proceeded apace with significant results already achieved. However, bumps are to be expected on the road ahead which may temporarily throw Myanmar off track. Thus there […]
A “Double Fault” in Swedish Aid?
Swedish development cooperation has moved away from an explicit focus on poverty reduction with its partner countries to other priorities, namely democracy and human rights, gender equality, and the environment. […]
Myanmar’s Economic Reform and Development: Prospects and Challenges
Implementing economic reform is an imperative for Myanmar. Since the new civilian government came to power in 2011, it has undertaken a series of reform measures with varying degrees of […]
Crisis Management – 5th Annual ISDP-AMS Conference
This conference report collects together a number of papers on the subject of “crisis management” presented by the key speakers at the 5th Annual ISDP-AMS Conference held on October 19-21, […]
New Juncture in EU-Turkey Relations?
With the issuing of the EU Commission’s Progress Report on Turkey, it would appear that there is fresh impetus for EU-Turkey relations to be placed on an improved footing after […]
Bombings in Myanmar: New Impetus for Community Engagement
A series of recent bombings in Myanmar reveal how complex business interests can derail the peace process and put into jeopardy the country’s democratic transition. Police reports attributed the bombings […]