Search results for: Alexander Radzyner
Russian Organized Crime and its Impact on Foreign Economies
Russian organized crime represents a new level of professional crime, reflected in its high level of criminal sophistication and the well-developed network of corruption links. Its activities and...
Reassessing the Risk Based Anti-Money Laundering Strategy
The adoption of the risk-based money laundering detection system across Europe has given increased investigative responsibility to banks. For countries where banks are often collaborators in the money...
The Untouchables: Russian ‘dirty money’ in Europe
In Europe, Russian organized crime rackets are quickly gathering a name for themselves as “untouchables.” As their wealth increases and EU banking regulation falters, it is a name...
Strategic Pause: Revisiting the Russia-Ukraine Winter War Game
…a Grande Armee of 650,000 across the Nieman river into Russia against barely 200,000 troops of Tsar Alexander I, little did he know that just 100,000 would survive the cold,…
The Oscar-winning Chinese American Director Chloé Zhao
…that with thirty-four awards for directing, thirteen for screenplay, and nine for editing, Zhao had surpassed Alexander Payne as the most decorated individual in a single awards season. Cross Cultural…