Search results for: Choong-Koo Lee
기고] 미·중의 셈법, 한국은 없다
북한의 4차 핵실험과 장거리 미사일(로켓) 발사에 따른 유엔 안보리 대북 제재 결의안 초안이 마침내 모습을 드러냈다. 다소 늦은 감은 있지만 한국의 한반도 사드(고고도미사일방어체계) 배치 카드와 개성공단 가동 전면중단...
South Korea’s secret weapon against the North
On 25 August 2015, top-level negotiators from North and South Korea reached a six-point agreement in the aftermath of a period of high military tension. Now is a...
Nuclear Safety Cooperation in Northeast Asia
Northeast Asia—dominated by China, Japan, and South Korea—is currently the world’s third largest energy-consuming region. Comparatively rapid economic growth in Northeast Asia than other regions, driven largely by...
Breaking the deadlock on the Korean peninsula
With the Six Party Talks — the main multilateral mechanism to negotiate North Korea’s denuclearisation — moribund since December 2008, the North Korean nuclear issue appears increasingly intractable....
Towards a “Reset” in U.S.-North Korea Relations?
More than two years on since the last official talks between the two countries, recent indicators from Pyongyang and Washington could prove auspicious for a “reset” in U.S.-North...
North Korea’s Diversifying Diplomatic Ties
While a fourth nuclear test would appear to have been delayed, North Korea is currently seeking to break out of its economic and political isolation by diversifying its...
Missiles and Reunions: Thaw or Freeze on the Korean Peninsula?
Family reunions between North and South Korea may be an encouraging sign of a thaw in tensions on the Korean Peninsula, which could lead to further trust-building activities...
Park seeds ‘peace’ in the DMZ
Park Geun-hye hopes to displace some of the misnomer of the Demilitarized Zone by turning part of the heavily mined buffer between the two Koreas into a “park...
Carving up the Skies: China’s New Air Defense Zone
China’s establishment of a new Air Defense Identification Zone has heightened tensions in Northeast Asia, with Japan, South Korea, and the United States having been swift to react...
South Korea’s “Island of Peace”: A Flashpoint in the East China Sea?
Renewed impetus has been put into building a military naval base on the strategically located island of Jeju, off the coast of South Korea. With the rise of...