Search results for: ISDP
Consequences of Suspending U.S.-ROK Military Exercises
…Swedish delegation to the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC). He has joined ISDP as a Distinguished Military Fellow. The views expressed are his own and do not necessarily reflect the…
Fu Zhengnan
Former Visiting Fellow
Guo Qiucheng
Former Visiting Fellow
Larissa Stünkel
Former Research Fellow
Reducing Risk: What Inter-Korean Military Talks Need to Address
…delegation to the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC). He recently joined ISDP as a Distinguished Military Fellow. The overall security situation on the Korean Peninsula is very fragile. Serious and…
Cryptocurrencies: Terrorism’s Next Frontier?
…International Relations at Leiden University. Please note: ISDP is not responsible for the content of some of the links contained in this article. …
Maud Descamps
Project Manager and Junior Research Fellow
South Korea’s Presidential Election: Candidates and Key Policies
…top of the list being managing the mounting crisis with North Korea. In this two-part series, ISDP profiles the five presidential candidates and their declared policies, while Dr. Sangsoo Lee…