Search results for: ISDP
Womenomics – five years on
…at present however, they lack the drive to achieve the change Japan needs. Ms. Rebecka Nygren began her internship at ISDP in August 2016. She is a 4th year…
Abe’s Visit – reconciling with the past
…began her internship at ISDP in August 2016. She is a 4th year student at the Law School at Uppsala University, Sweden. At ISDP, Ms. Nygren will be affiliated with…
Bernadetta Ginting
Former Intern
Rebecka Nygren
Former Intern
Namgyun Kim
Past Visiting Fellow
Nick Johnston
Former Intern
Arthur Ding
Associated Research Fellow
Phyu Phyu Win
Visiting Fellow April-June, 2015