Search results for: ISDP
Brian Iselin
Former Senior Research Fellow and Senior Development and Partnership Liaison
Filippo Fea
Former Intern
Kurt Abalos
Former Intern
Zahra Nayabi
Former Intern
Julia Rösgren
Former Intern
Jeonghyeon Kim
Former Visiting Fellow
An Interview with Professor Torbjörn Lodén: EU and U.S. Relations with China in Retrospect and Looking Ahead
...Stockholm China Center. With his tenure having recently drawn to a close, he sat down for an interview with ISDP Research Fellow, Agust Börjesson, to look back on how China’s...
Understanding EU Relations with China and Taiwan in the Indo-Pacific: An Interview with Dr. Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy
...In the context of growing tension in Cross-Strait relations and rethinking European strategies in the Indo-Pacific post-COVID-19, ISDP intern Foster Cunliffe sat down with Dr. Zsusza Ferenczy to shed...
Slowly Taking Off: Nordic-Taiwan Relations
...contacts. The Institute for Security and Development Studies (ISDP) in Stockholm is running a Taiwan Project, and this Special Paper—a joint undertaking by the ISDP and Julie Yu-Wen Chen, a...
Climate Change, Environmental Threats and Cyber-Threats to Critical Infrastructures in Multi-Regulatory Sustainable Global Approach with Sweden as an Example
...Research Project supported by NordForsk – organization under the Nordic Council of Ministers. ISDP is one of four other Project Partners behind this consortium grant. Led by Sandra Cassotta, ISDP...