Search results for: Johan Alvin
Johan Wiktorin
Non-Resident Senior Research Fellow
The State as Investment Market: Kyrgyzstan in Comparative Perspective
...Based on a detailed examination of Kyrgyzstan, Johan Engvall goes well beyond the case of this single country to elaborate a broad theory of economic corruption in developing post-Soviet...
Fourth Vector: Making Sense of Kazakhstan’s Activism in International Organizations
...ensure that the conditions will continue to exist for a successful multivector policy to succeed in the region. Johan Engvall is a Research Fellow and Svante E. Cornell Director of...
Myanmar and the Case for UN Resolution 1325
...conflict-affected women and ensure that women play a greater role in peacebuilding efforts. UN Security Council Resolution 1325 is instrumental to such efforts, argue Christopher O’Hara and Johan Krom....
Johan Engvall
Senior Research Fellow
Johan Klaas Krom
Former Junior Research Fellow
Mr. Johan Klaas Krom Joins ISDP as Junior Research Fellow
Between Bandits and Bureaucrats: 30 Years of Parliamentary Development in Kyrgyzstan
Executive Summary: In 2010, Kyrgyzstan took a decisive step towards establishing a parliamentary form of government. A decade later, the parliamentary experiment had, at least for the time...