Search results for: Johan Alvin
Religion and the Secular State in Kyrgyzstan
Summary Since independence, religion has become ever more important as an identity marker in Kyrgyzstan, with increased practical relevance in the everyday lives of many citizens. This religious...
Kazakhstan in Europe: Why Not?
Executive Summary Is Kazakhstan a European state? The answer to this question could define the character of the country’s long-term relationship with European institutions and organizations, and profoundly...
The EU and Central Asia: Expanding Economic Cooperation, Trade, and Investment
Since the independence of the Central Asian states, this landlocked region has taken time to reconnect with the world, including Europe. Twenty-five years ago, many underestimated the...
Centralasien kan åter bli länk mellan öst och väst
Fem postsovjetiska republiker i Centralasien firar nu 25 år som självständiga stater. De första åren för de centralasiatiska republikerna var en prövotid, när det gällde att bygga upp...
Kazakhstan 2041: the Next Twenty-Five Years
Kazakhstan has come a long way in the twenty five years since it gained sovereignty. The leadership can point to impressive economic development, stability, strengthened sovereignty, and respect...
Kazakhstan’s Bid for the UN Security Council
Since independence, Kazakhstan’s foreign policy – and its multilateral relations in particular – has expressed a clear logic: to develop a role as a respectable international citizen that...
Asserting Statehood: Kazakhstan’s Role in International Organizations
Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan has developed a record of being the most proactive and innovative former Soviet republic in the sphere of international cooperation....
A Japanese Perspective on the UN’s New Agenda for Peace
…future. However, if we analyze the Guterres proposal by applying the “definition of peace” in the field of peace research advocated by Johan Galtung, the Guterres proposal can be divided…