Search results for: Roger N. McDermott
Politics in East Asia Today: Between Democracy, Debates, and Discourse
...Lars Vargö explores how the increasing tension between Mainland China and Taiwan affects Japan’s foreign policy; and finally Roger Lee Huang discusses the significance of the digital solidarity movement the...
What’s the Difference, if Any?
...brief ISDP Senior Fellow Roger Svensson argues that regardless of who becomes the next President, American foreign and security policy will be decided by events rather than grand strategy....
Europe and the U.S. – Different World Views?
...the United States and in Europe. In this policy brief ISDP Senior Fellow Roger Svensson outlines the background and some of the key findings of the Transatlantic Trends 2011....
Roger Svensson
Senior Fellow
Blindsided – The United States and North African Unrest
...For the last fifty years, U.S. foreign policy vis-à-vis Arab and Middle Eastern nations has been dominated by two big issues: the Israeli state and secure access to oil....