Search results for: Svante E. Cornell
Engulfed in the Gulf: Erdoğan and the Qatar Crisis
...Qatar crisis may be an indication of further deterioration not only of regional relations, but of U.S.-Turkish relations as well. Svante E. Cornell is Director of the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute...
Terrordådet: Vi måste sluta brottas med skuggor
...Sverige har öppnat dörren för terrorister genom en felaktig politik mot radikal islamism. Den måste ändras, skriver freds- och konfliktforskaren Svante Cornell. S edan lördagskvällen står det klart...
The EU and Kazakhstan: Developing a Partnership in Trade and Transport
...precursor and never a substitute for the region-wide arrangements that both the EU and Central Asian countries need. S. Frederick Starr is Chairman and Svante E. Cornell Director of the...
Fourth Vector: Making Sense of Kazakhstan’s Activism in International Organizations
...ensure that the conditions will continue to exist for a successful multivector policy to succeed in the region. Johan Engvall is a Research Fellow and Svante E. Cornell Director of...
Understanding Turkey’s Tilt
...been in the past. In the Journal of International Security Affairs, Svante E. Cornell argues Turkey has indeed changed in ways that cause fundamental harm to the U.S.-Turkey alliance....
Is Georgia Slipping Away?
...foreign policymakers is symptomatic of the country’s ongoing political crisis, writes Svante Cornell. The shakeup also suggests that Tbilisi’s traditional Euro-Atlantic orientation can no longer be taken for granted....
Karikatyrer skapar inte demokrati [Caricatures do not create a democracy]
...Mediedrevet mot Azerbajdzjan under schlagerfestivalen väcker frågor om hur demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter på bästa sätt kan främjas. Med viss rätta kan intensiteten i kritiken ifrågasättas, skriver Svante Cornell,...
Svante Cornell Quoted in Bloomberg on Azerbaijan’s Military Spending
Joe Biden’s Approach To Eurasia Is Stuck In The Past
...Introduction: With considerable pomp and circumstance, the Biden administration recently unveiled its signature National Security Strategy. The document, intended as an authoritative expression of the Administration’s priorities in the...