Search results for: Woosuk Jung
Environmental Challenges and Cooperation in Northeast Asia
Ranging from transboundary air pollution to maritime degradation, the countries of Northeast Asia face serious environmental threats that necessitate effective regional cooperation. This paper seeks to provide a...
Sooyeon Jung
Former Visiting Fellow
Park Hyeong Jung
Past Visiting Fellow
The Case for Multilateralism: The Korean Peninsula in a Regional Context
...any multilateral structure. These attempts have included the Northeast Asia Security Dialogue (NEASED) proposed by President Kim Young-sam in 1994. Presidents Kim Dae-Jung and Roh Moo-Hyun also both called for...
Northeast Asian Regional Cooperation: An Elusive Necessity
...weakened leverage over North Korea, with Chairman Kim Jung-Un arguably masterfully exploiting the divisions. Today there is little, if any, possibility to force North Korea to denuclearize unless a major...
Reforming South Korea’s “Imperial Presidency” few constraints as possible. Furthermore, while former President Kim Dae-jung (1998-2003) pledged to change the presidential system to a parliamentary one, and advisory commissions were subsequently established to look...