Search results for: Halil M. Karaveli
Erdogan’s Journey – Conservatism and Authoritarianism in Turkey
...profoundly illiberal, authoritarian direction—although not toward repressive Islamism, which some feared was Erdogan’s true agenda, given his background in Islamist politics. Rather, Erdogan has become something more akin to a...
Turkey’s Fractured State
...The Turkish military is known to be a stronghold of Kemalism, the secularist and nationalist ideology of the founder of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. So when the Islamic conservative...
Turkey is Yet to “Conquer” its History
...Minister, Binali Yıldırım, participated in a grandiose ceremony in Istanbul that drew an estimated one million spectators. In the speech that he delivered at the ceremony, Erdoğan argued that the...
Turkey’s Decline
...of the Middle East. Today, such notions of grandeur seem outrageous. After the bombing of a military convoy in Ankara on February 17, which the Turkish government blamed on the...
Terror Likely to Strengthen Turkish Militarism
...The wave of terror that has struck Turkey since last year is likely to have the cumulative effect of bolstering militarism as a response to the country’s Kurdish challenge....
La Turquie, est-elle destinée à durer ?
...La Turquie était censée représenter un « modèle » pour le Moyen-Orient. Pour l’Occident en quête d’un antidote à l’islamisme, le pays a incarné les espoirs de laïcité et...
Is Turkey at War with the “Islamic State?”
...euphemism for Turkey’s new old war against the Kurdish movement. The forces behind the terrorism that has struck Turkey during the last six months will in all probability never be...
Turkey the Sentinel — With a License for Authoritarian Rule
...The interplay of Western interests and internal Turkish dynamics has more often boosted authoritarianism than democracy in Turkey. Turkey’s strategic value as a “sentinel” during the Cold War gave...
Turkey’s Future: If not a “Big Finland,” Maybe a “Small China?”
...the military has bolstered it further. The collusion of Erdoğan and the military entrenches authoritarianism. But the war with the Kurds threatens to become a threat to the stability of...
Violence Saved AKP’s Power, but the Regime needs Peace with the Kurds
...The combination of military and deep state operations has rescued the power of the AKP, restoring its majority in parliament. Now, it is in President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s interest...